Student Services


Michael Viola (PYP and MYP)

Please call our school office and request assistance at 305-238-3688

Student Services Mission

Student Services provides guidance and counseling services to individual students and groups of students. The Student Service Team offers various services to students and parents that will enable them to become more knowledgeable, caring, principled, open-minded, reflective and balanced.

Articulation for Inquirers

Student Service facilitators provide assistance in developing transition skill strategies for students adjusting to new situations, making new friends and acclimating to new academic environments.

Identification of Community Resources & Caring for others

The facilitators connects school and community resources to assist students and their families. The purpose is to facilitate collaborative partnerships between community agencies and schools i.e. mental health agencies, grant opportunities, speakers’ bureaus and business organizations.


Student Services Team members provide consultative services by linking student career initiatives to the Standards-Based Student Career Development seeking balance in the program.

Health & Social Education

Through the TRUST curriculum, Student Services provides a comprehensive student assistance program designed to provide prevention, intervention, referral and follow up services to students and their families who may experience problems related to substance abuse and other self – defeating behaviors.

Learner Profile – Caring

Assistance and support is available to teachers of peer counseling courses offered for credit in the secondary schools. Consultation is also available to elementary schools with peer helper programs.


Student Services recommend a three-tiered approach. This initiative includes faculty awareness; comprehensive in-depth training to a selected cadre of staff members and on- going implementation support and follow-up.

Approaches to Learning

Student Services provide assistance and support for students by academic advisement, after school study hall and high school tutors who are former students that stay connected to the school and its academic mission.

Community and Service

Student Services working with Student Government support the less fortunate in our community through canned food drives, Toy Drives, United Way,  Children’s Home Society, Thanksgiving Dinners for the homeless, and Awareness Programs.


  • Crisis Counseling:
    Switchboard of Miami
    (305)358-HELP (4357)
  • Family Counseling:
    Family Counseling Services of Greater Miami, Inc.
  • American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  • Kids Health
  • Abuse Hotline